In Honor of Maurice Sendak

This mama has been too busy to blog for the last 2 months. What can I say?  I've been working on 2 shows at once...and have been lucky enough to have my mother and my mother-in-law take over Gunnar duties for most of the day.
Gunnar has become increasingly interested in books...and his current fav happens to be "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak. When I read the news of Mr. Sendak's passing this morning, Gunnar was in the middle of reading it for the 3rd time today (and it was only 9:30am)...I thought it appropriate to make a video of Gunnar's enthusiasm for his book. Of course he lost interest half way through (when I filmed it was probably his 9th read of the day)...but you can tell he knows the story by heart and loves it. 


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