Almost Potty Time...

I've been trying to take it easy when it comes to potty training...
Our pediatrician suggested we wait until Gunnar shows us the signs that he's interested in potty training. For us that has to start with Gunnar letting us know when he has a soiled diaper...
Up until very recently Gunnar has been mostly "lying" or maybe not understanding the concept (?) of telling us when he has poop in his diaper...
He has done everything from say "POOPY" when he has nothing in his pants...
to flat out denying he has poop when asked.
But I've tried to be patient and let Gunnar guide us...after all I know that once we start the potty training venture life will inevitably be "less convenient" for us until he's completely might as well enjoy the freedom diapers provide while it lasts.
But this morning the first thing Gunnar shouted when he woke up was "MOMMY I HAVE POOP!"
I jumped out of bed to congratulate Gunnar on:

 1. Saying a complete sentence!  -and-
 2. Letting me know that he has poop (a first!)

and then just before nap Gunnar asked to use the potty! So I let him sit on the potty (with me holding him as he practiced pooping and actually squeezed out a little pee) He was very proud of his progress and thrilled that he got to FLUSH as a result! So...maybe he's getting there...

Decision Time:

Potty Seat? or Potty Chair?

I see benefits to both but am leaning toward the seat since Gunnar has a keen interest in the real thing already....

Please discuss... What worked for you and your toddler? 


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