Hardest Night of Mommyhood thus far...

On my way home from rehearsal last night I got this text...

"G needs mama ASAP. Throw up disaster."

If you know me...this is just about the worst news I could ever get. Mostly because I am petrified of vomit. I'm scared of doing it, I'm terrified of being around someone else doing it...it makes me freak out.
But the thought of my little man having to be around it gave me a new urgency to run toward it...
I arrived to find the situation mostly under control. Daddy had cleaned up the disaster in his crib, put all the "friends" and blankets in the wash and Gunnar had already taken a tub.

Gunnar wanted to rock and read stories and he continued to vomit for the next 5 hours. I've been lucky...up until now I've only dealt with G's vomit twice. Once at a Starbucks, and it was clearly caused by excess post nasal drip which he was choking on...it didn't last long, thankfully.

But this...this was something violent.

I never really thought of it before but...you can't really ask a toddler to vomit over a toilet or a bucket...it just doesn't work like that (they don't understand the concept). John did have a brilliant idea of putting a bucket bib on him which helped a little (except when it was off being cleaned and didn't make it back around his neck in time). So mostly I spent the night rocking and constantly cleaning up vomit, on me, on G, on the floor. And yes I hated the smell and everything...but what I hated most was seeing the sunken eyes of my baby hurting and not being able to do anything for him to make it better.

After going through 5 pairs of pajamas and several sheets, I finally laid a towel in his crib and was able to get him to sleep for the night around 3am. Mommy was exhausted to say the least, and feeling quite queazy herself...(though I have reason to believe it was purely from holding in my disgust at the site of vomit and having to be in contact with it for over 5 hours).

He was in good spirits today...but he hardly ate a thing...only finishing one cup of applesauce all day and a cup and a half of juice.  Hoping this will all wash away by tomorrow morning.

And now I wait...to see if it was simply food poisoning or if it was a virus that soon will come to me...
the agony of not knowing...


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