Gunnar's room is my favorite room in the house. There are so many things in this room that has sentimental value to me, symbols of love from family and friends. Everything has its place, everything is organized, it is neat and is my sanctuary.
So I thought I'd take you on a visual to
The adorable "g" from dear friend Nissa...hangs on Gunnar's door. |
The 5 owls were all given to me at my Minnesota baby shower. Three were made by Gunnar's "Grandma" (John's mother), one was a gift commissioned by my sister from an etsy shop, and the other was a gift from Gunnar's "Nana" (my mother) from my favorite store in Northfield, MN. The Lorax is my father's favorite book and Frederick is one of my favorite's and a gift from my acting mentor (Michael Joseph Mitchell) to Gunnar. |
This AMAZING needlepoint was done by my dear friend Lisa. I can't even imagine how long this must have taken her (well okay I can because I didn't get it until it took her at least 4 months! But I think she started it before G was born!!) There is love in every stitch! |
Sorry this photo is darker than I realized. I made the bins with Gunnar's initials (the M is for his middle name Miles) they house all of Gunnar's toys. The piggy bank was a gift from "Grandma" as well as the soft block next to the teddy bear and the sheep-which will sing "Jesus Loves Me" to G as soon as we make the recording. The Big Blue Bear was a gift from my sponsors from Grad School The Baers! The Quilt that the bear/lamb/block are sitting on is an ADORABLE quilt made by Gunnar's great Aunt Lisa. It's an adorable sock monkey quilt! |
We have a hook on the wall to hang his towel and his sleep sack! |
Gunnar's changing station. We used to have covers on this until I got sick of washing them. The adorable painting was commissioned by John's mother's friend C (isn't it adorable?) The stuffed animals are KEY to keeping Gunnar happy during a diaper change. When he was a newborn he loved to look at them. Once he could hold onto things I started handing them to he reaches over and grabs one...inevitably they'll all be on the floor by the end of the day. |
Changing Essentials. Notice the HUGE bottle of hand sanitizer in the back. The creams/medicine are all sitting on a cute owl tray that my mom found! Everything is owl...I'm telling you! |
Top Drawer of changing table. Diapers on left, burp cloths in the center, a separate cubby for socks, shoes, bibs and hats. |
2nd Drawer of changing table: CLOTHES!! My mom had the brilliant idea of putting them in sideways so that you can see everything and grab what you want without making a mess. It's not the prettiest way to do it...but it works well for us!! |
Bottom Drawer: Pajamas, Sleep Sacks, Changing pad covers, towels, swaddle blankets and wrap manuals. | |
Beautiful window valance made by John's mother, "Grandma". | | |
Night stand next to rocker houses board books within reach for story time! |
Night time stories sit on top... |
I keep nursing pads in the drawer for easy access while nursing. |
Here's my favorite seat in the house! Our rocker is from Target and I LOVE's not ugly and it's actually quite small. The gorgeous white and green blanket on the ottoman was knitted by my dear friend Sarah (it is soooo soft!) The pillow and quilt were made by Gunnar's crafty "Grandma" and the painting was the second painting she commissioned by C. |
On the other side of the rocker is a milk crate packed with more books. Note the adorable blue owl tote with Gunnar's name on it in front (from my best friend from High School, Kelly) we use this cute tote for library books (we go once a week...since the library is across the street!) |
Love this tree/owl decal we got on Etsy! And there is G peeking out to say hi from his crib!! |
The Gorgeous Quilt was made by G's Grandma. The matching Bumper was made by G's Nana. The owl mobile was made by me... |
G's working on his Yoga moves as always. At the top of the crib notice the sleep sheep (a gift from friend, Sarah) We use it goes on every trip. It helps G sleep! |
It's hard to tell in this picture...but the bumper and crib skirt were both made by my mother (Nana) and are stunning! The two grandmothers coordinated as you can see the quilt John's mom made matches perfectly! |
This is a needle point made by Gunnar's Great-Grandmother Lorna (who died 5 years ago) she stitched this in 1981 (the year I was born) When John's aunt heard my nursery theme was owls she sent this my way. LOVE IT! |
Gunnar's Mickey Ears from our trip to Disney, The three lucky owls from Epcot (Red-good health for child, Blue-keeps you calm and relaxed, Green-will bring strength in academics), white owl, purple owl and owl vase are all from The Baer's (my sponsors from Grad school) so sweet! The wooden block was a birth announcement gift from my sister...super cute idea. |
CD/Clock is so essential to have in the room to keep track of feeding and nap times. Notice all the CD's we listen to lots of music! The wooden Mary and Jesus was a gift from Gunnar's Great Aunt Lisa and Uncle Tim on his baptism. The porcelain angel and baby was a gift from my friend Bethany's mother. The chain of camel's was a gift bought in the Holy Land from my grandmother ("Besta"). |
Inside this cabinet I have parenting books, CD's and crib sheets. |
Stuffed animal Tree from Ikea. Note more owl decals on top of the door. |
Gunnar's closet...used to be more organized. 2nd biggest closet in the houses Gunnar's fancy clothes, G's clothes too small and too big, Etsy supplies and my fancy dresses. |
That's all folks!!
Oh! I'm inspired! Love his room and the owls are all so cool!!
ReplyDeleteI'm going to work on those "unfinished projects" and do a post of Emma's room too!! So fun!