G and I today after getting my haircut! | |
And the answer to the title of this post is: YES but under one condition: Having Grandparents around.
So I pampered myself for the first time in 4 months...I got a haircut! No I didn't get it colored or go get a pedicure (two other things that need to happen)...because when you have an infant who is nursing, it's just too hard to be away for longer than 1.5 hours at a time. So thanks to my parents for watching the little guy so I could cut off some split ends!
After my hair appointment (and watching some of the events in Madison on CNN...exciting! Way to go Wisconsin!) we took William and G down to Navy Pier to tour the Chicago Children's Museum.
Bus Driver William drove passengers Grandpa and Nana |
We sucked it up and parked on site ($14 flat fee-not as steep as the zoo) which was worth it because we didn't have to wear our coats or be outside at all on the windy pier. There was a lot to see at the Children's Museum...and I'm pretty sure we didn't even see 1/4 of it. But William had a blast.
Nana and William building with Tinker Toys |
One ticket to Madison where all the excitement is happening please! |
I even scoped out a few areas for G to play in just a few months.
Builder William |
They had cute little crawling areas just for babies!
I think William's favorite room was the water ways exhibit where the kids put on the provided raincoats and got "All Wet" in playing with the water.
Happy Boy was excited to watch cousin William play all day! |
There were water cannons, waterfalls, wave makers, buckets, boats and just about everything you could possibly want to do with water. Mommy advice: The raincoats won't completely protect your kid from getting wet, so be sure to roll up their sleeves before putting on that raincoat. William got Soaked!!
William "All Wet!" |
William soaked his button down, his undershirt wet too! |
The Museum was exhausting for G |
We had dinner at the Pier before heading home...and to my delight Lakeshore Drive was quite clear at 6pm.
My free Uddercovers nursing cover arrived today...it's the same basic design as the one my mom's friend made for me (but not quite as nice)...it'll be nice to have a backup but I definitely wouldn't recommend buying one for the retailed $30. Find a friend who can sew and ask them to make you one...it'll be much cuter and cost less.
After putting G to bed (which I guess wasn't...since he was up for 2 more hours) John and I headed down south to see our friend Emily in a play ['Doward Facing'] at the Dream Theater. This was the first piece of theater I've ever seen in Chicago...and the first play I've seen in at least 4 months. It felt good to be in a theater again, I must say. The play was a short, well organized 60 minute play about relationships. It was sweet and heartfelt, Emily was very truthful and it was fun to see her perform (I think this was my first time seeing her onstage, eventhough I've known her for almost 6 years). Afterwards I got to connect with a couple Actors Theatre of Louisville Apprentice Alums who had all come to support Emily. It's always nice to talk to apprentice alums...
And it was just nice to be at a theater...no matter what theater it is...it inspires me to keep going.
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