My mommy Advice
So my dearest friend and college roomie Siba is pregnant with baby #Uno due June 1st, and she asked me to make a list of things that I couldn't live without as a new mommy.
So this was on my to do list today and I thought I'd share it with the case anyone out there is interested.
Here are some things that I also recommend doing/getting/reading, etc:
*My favorite book is: "SuperBaby: 12 Ways to Give Your Child a Head Start in the First 3 Years
" By Dr. Jenn Berman
I fully believe in the philosophy of this book and that if you can try to raise your children in this manor they will be happy, healthy, wonderful loving and respectful children.
* I also read the "Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child
" and liked it, however my advice is to not be too strict about sleep or you'll drive yourself and others up a wall. Yes, sleep is important and you should try to help your child sleep as much as possible...but don't kill yourself to do it. Things come up, schedules get thrown off...don't worry about it...just do the best you can. Play things by ear....easier said than done, I know.
*I also recommend the "Baby Bargain book
" will help you make sure you're not buying a crib that's been recalled for years, etc.
*Swaddles swaddles swaddles. They are the key to keeping Gunnar asleep. At first the "swaddle designs
" traditional swaddle was my favorite (until Gunnar started escaping from it), then we moved on to the "miracle blanket
" (advertised by "Happiest Baby on the Block
") which I like to call the "baby straight jacket" which has worked for a good 6 weeks. But now Gunnar is strong enough to break free (yes I think he could give Houdini a run for his money) and now I've realized the only swaddle Gunnar hasn't mastered his escape from is the "Summer, Swaddle Me
" swaddle from Babies R Us with the velcro.
*Snap 'N' Go
- Best stroller need to cart around anything else, all you need is the carseat and this skeletal stroller and you're good to go!
*Hoppediz woven wrap- This gives a mom her arms back and you can get more done while baby snuggles with you! Expensive, but worth it...and it comes with a book that shows you 15 different ways to wear it.
- These are awesome for preventing the boob leak, which happens a lot for me...and sometimes even when I have them on, but for the most part they're awesome!
*Sleep Bras and Nursing Bras- You can't have too many. At least I can't. I am the queen on milk and over produce and leak so much that I can't tell you how many I go through. So once you're 36 weeks get out there and buy a ton of sleep and nursing bras. Keep them next to your bed for when you leak in the middle of the night (and you don't want to get up to change) and Keep an extra bra (and shirt) in your diaper bag at all times...just be prepared for the leak!
*Receiving blankets aren't good for swaddling or anything of that nature...BUT...they make the BEST burp cloths. Those little cloth diapers are just too small to protect your whole shirt...but a receiving blanket? It has you completely covered!
*I don't know if you have a smart phone...but if you do, Download "Baby Soothing Sounds" it's a Korean app but it is a Life saver!!! It has sounds of a hairdryer, tv static, running water, a vacuum and crinkling bags. When Gunnar is fussy and we're out and about and I don't have time to whip out the boob...I just turn on one of these miracle sounds, crank up the volume, throw my phone next to his ear and PRESTO baby is happy, smiling and content...and as a bonus he often will fall asleep within seconds! These sounds mimic the kind of sounds he/she hears in the womb and it is very calming to the baby. If you don't have a smart phone and you're in the car...good ole' radio static will do the trick too! Crank the volume and walla...happy baby!
So this was on my to do list today and I thought I'd share it with the case anyone out there is interested.
Here are some things that I also recommend doing/getting/reading, etc:
*My favorite book is: "SuperBaby: 12 Ways to Give Your Child a Head Start in the First 3 Years
I fully believe in the philosophy of this book and that if you can try to raise your children in this manor they will be happy, healthy, wonderful loving and respectful children.
* I also read the "Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child
*I also recommend the "Baby Bargain book
*Swaddles swaddles swaddles. They are the key to keeping Gunnar asleep. At first the "swaddle designs
*Snap 'N' Go
*Hoppediz woven wrap- This gives a mom her arms back and you can get more done while baby snuggles with you! Expensive, but worth it...and it comes with a book that shows you 15 different ways to wear it.
*Sleep Bras and Nursing Bras- You can't have too many. At least I can't. I am the queen on milk and over produce and leak so much that I can't tell you how many I go through. So once you're 36 weeks get out there and buy a ton of sleep and nursing bras. Keep them next to your bed for when you leak in the middle of the night (and you don't want to get up to change) and Keep an extra bra (and shirt) in your diaper bag at all times...just be prepared for the leak!
*Receiving blankets aren't good for swaddling or anything of that nature...BUT...they make the BEST burp cloths. Those little cloth diapers are just too small to protect your whole shirt...but a receiving blanket? It has you completely covered!
*I don't know if you have a smart phone...but if you do, Download "Baby Soothing Sounds" it's a Korean app but it is a Life saver!!! It has sounds of a hairdryer, tv static, running water, a vacuum and crinkling bags. When Gunnar is fussy and we're out and about and I don't have time to whip out the boob...I just turn on one of these miracle sounds, crank up the volume, throw my phone next to his ear and PRESTO baby is happy, smiling and content...and as a bonus he often will fall asleep within seconds! These sounds mimic the kind of sounds he/she hears in the womb and it is very calming to the baby. If you don't have a smart phone and you're in the car...good ole' radio static will do the trick too! Crank the volume and walla...happy baby!
I think about this often, especially when a friend is pregnant.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree on receiving blankets, Lilypadz and Sleeping/Nursing Bras...and I had to have Johnson and Johnson breast pads....on top of the lilypadz....I was a mess.
I use a MobyWrap for the younger months (similar to the one you have), but around 5 or 6 months I switched the the ERGObaby Carrier and so in love with it. Still use it today for hiking, shopping or when the kid is sick and just needs to be held all day. The ERGO is my hands-down-must.
I also 100% recommend Baby Signing Time when they get a little son picked signing up really quick and I really think it helped his vocabulary and communication skills.
My other new mom recommendation is cloth diapers (we use BumGenius and Flip) many good ones out there and better for everyone. I can't wait to have another one so I get to try out some of the newer ones and some Rumparooz.
I made a huuuuge, way detailed list just like this last week for a pg friend. If your pg friend is interested, I can fwd.
ReplyDeleteSome highlights: Miralax if you had a rough delivery, boppy wedge pillow for late pregnancy, APNO if you're having nursing pain (need Rx), Bravado Bliss nursing bra (worth the $$), Medela night time nursing bra (get 2), fisher-price rain forest play mat (or similar), personally I couldn't live without both of our swings (fisher-price cradle swing and Bright Starts Comfort & Harmony swing), the Rock and Play Sleeper is AWESOME as a station - it weighs like half a pound I use it constantly (bring it to the kitchen while I cook or to the dinner table while we eat), the Sony baby monitor, our Safety First booster seat (instead of a high chair - it sits on one of your chairs so takes up less space), and personally if you're going to do any serious walking, I think you need a higher end stroller *in addition* to the snap-and-go which I agree is a total necessity. I have the BOB but wish I'd gotten the City Mini. Also, after he outgrows the snap-and-go, I have the Uppababy Gluxe as our toddler super lightweight "umbrella" stroller. I test drove both it and the comparable Maclarens and it's even better. But on the snap-and-go note I'd say I test drove a Maclaren snap-and-go and it was amazing: Stroller envy (I have the Graco)!!!
THanks Lisa! THis is great! And if you want to FB me the detailed list I will fwd it to Siba!!
ReplyDeleteI have to admit, I'm a mommy minimalist. Living in the city...I don't have a lot of room for some of the awesome things you mentioned (like a swing. We had one -not a great one, we got it at a garage sale- but it took up so much floorspace and we had no real home for it and it was driving me crazy so we got rid of it.) Now I just have a little rocking chair for Gunnar to sit in while I'm cooking, etc. He loves it and it is very portable. We haven't bought our nice stroller(s) yet. Again, minimalist (I don't buy until I need it)...but once spring shows up and this snow is gone and Gunnar can sit up in something other than his car seat, we're going to look into a nice umbrella stroller and we haven't decided yet if we want to get a jogging stroller yet (John's a runner so it's up to him). But I have heard awesome things about Uppababy and Bob...I'm excited about that next purchase! We also have yet to get a high chair (the trouble is we have cushioned dining chairs and the booster seat that my nephew uses (like the one you mentioned) doesn't work well on those chairs. So I think we're going to have to find a regular chair.
Kristen, thanks for putting together this list. I'm 16 weeks along and have been avoiding all of the baby gear like the plague. I only want to purchase the bear minimum and am always looking for good recommendations. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteYou are most welcome!!! Congratulations Cami! So exciting! Will you be finding out what you're having?
ReplyDeleteI don't know if you would like this for a high chair, but we just got it for when we're out and about.
The downside to this product is that Gunnar wouldn't be facing you, so it may be harder to feed Gunnar.
I also have this
It's not a favorite way to feed Chloe, but it works and is probably would save you the most space. We use it when we travel
Thanks Emily! As a mommy minimalist I'm always looking for things that don't take up much space and both of those look like they take up very little space! I will definitely consider these with the hubby! (Of course I can't make a purchase this per February challenge, no-spend February, and we'll probably wait to buy until Gunnar is sitting up and ready to start eating!)
ReplyDeleteFor the mommies that have TWO kids..check into the Phil and Teds. I can't stand the bulkiness of the side by sides. Especially in crowds. I love my Phil and Ted and it goes everywhere with us and was a lifesaver in Disney. Braxton slept on the main seat laid back and Riley was on top in the attached seat. It was great and there was an opening on the main seat so I could keep my eye on B the whole time. I love it!!