I Survived Temptation!!
Well we braved Target today, as I ran out of dish soap and Target is the only place in town that carries the kind I like, J.R. Watkins
Dish soap falls under the exception of "groceries", so that purchase was cleared in the February no-spend month guide lines...but eeek! It had me going to the place where I always walk out with more than I intended to...
And those clearance racks on the ends are soooo tempting! But we did okay. We did look at the vacuums and steam vacs that many of you mentioned that you loved...and I think we might investigate a purchase there for next month (with all the money we saved by not spending this month!). I did end up with extras, toothpase, toothbrushes and laundry detergent...but only because I remembered I needed them...and since they fall under "groceries" as well...we made it out alive!!! But I have to say I was quite tempted to buy this really cute hairdryer for the guest bathroom that was on clearance for only $13 and it had fun colorful paisley flowers all over it....but I decided if it was meant to be...it would be there in March and even cheaper!!
As we speak...Daddy is giving Gunnar a bottle (which has been a challenge in the past...this is only his 3rd successful bottle out of the 10 or so that we've tried with him) and putting Gunnar down for a nap. I realized today that I was the only one who has put him to sleep in his crib so I found it necessary to pass the torch and get him used to others doing it as well.
So I think tonight we're going to try the one arm out of the swaddle and see how that goes. One thing I've noticed lately is that little G is a crib traveler. Even wrapped up tight in his swaddle, even when he's sleeping, he sticks his legs up in the air and scoots around the crib. It's really quite a funny sight if you go into check on him and you just see these feet sticking out above the crib. But I will put him to bed at one end of the crib and when I go to check on him a few hours later he is at the complete opposite end and facing the other way. Now I wonder if this has anything to do with him waking up. He must be hitting his head, if not other body parts against the wooden slats in the crib. We don't have a bumper in the crib yet (as I heard they're a hazzard for newborns)...but I wonder if getting the bumper in there would help him stay asleep. I also wonder if we got him out of the swaddle entirely if he would stop the scooting. Hmmmm.
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