Great News
So today I found out that a dear friend of mine is pregnant with her first baby! I'm just so thrilled for her because I've really been wanting this for her. I've always known she'd be the perfect mother...that little tiny embryo has no idea how lucky it is to come into this world with such incredible parents! It's truly thrilling! It just took me back...
Waiting to find out if you're pregnant is such an agonizing time. How should I know I only had to wait a month? But that one month...seemed like 10 years. So I can only imagine what it must feel like to have to wait any longer. I think for me the most frustrating part was knowing that I was pregnant but not having physical proof or evidence to convince myself or my husband. My body felt different right away. I remember I was suddenly Soooooo Thirsty...I wanted/needed gallons of water...and for me being the somewhat desert animal that I am...that was quite strange. I tried all of those tests that claim they can tell you 7 days sooner...but I didn't get a positive test until I was 6 days late. I probably peed on 20 sticks...I was a little impatient. God knows how many sticks I would have gone through if we hadn't conceived that first month...
...but what a rush! Just seeing those words "pregnant" body went numb with excitement followed quickly by a "Oh Crap!" feeling of...what did we just do? It's so exciting and yet so unbelievably scary at the same time. Suddenly your body isn't yours is TRULY a temple...a temporary home for the most precious thing you can imagine...your child. Your world truly turns upside down. And it hasn't gone back seems so much more full. I wish these feelings for all of my friends.
In other news, my dear friend and college roomie Nicole has come into town to visit for a few days with her two cuties Riley and Braxton! We had such a great day today...we hung out for a bit after they arrived and then we took a walk down to Lincoln Square for a bit. Nicole brought and prepared dinner (too sweet) and we watched "The Bachelorette" (guilty pleasure!) together. Too fun! Tomorrow we'll do some more fun Chicago things! Can't wait!

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